Thursday, May 12, 2005

Of Mice, Men & Me

Sometimes we have personally revelations that have resounding repercussions. This happens with me quite a bit; my personality is the type that makes it easy to go overboard, and in the process I wreak havoc. Sound obsessive? You betcha.
Since this personal problem first manifested itself years ago, I've tried to rein it in. Sometimes, I'm successful. Other times, barely. Enthusiasm for certain things is something I have plenty, and trying to hide it, especially over those things that really, really make me happy, borders on impossible. There are too many examples in my life of that behavior. Controlling it is the problem, and as I mentioned earlier in this paragraph, it's hard.
Why do it at all? Why should I just smile and be happy when I can immerse myself in the river of the experience and let it completely overwhelm me? There's the crux of the problem, right there, second to last word, previous sentence; overwhelm. It's not me that my enthusiasm overwhelms. It's everyone else. Somehow, sometimes, my being happy is hazardous to some. I'm not saying this to be derogatory. It's just the truth. Little things that make me happy become obsessions; big things that make me happy become big obsessions.
In all things moderation, we're told again and again. My luck is not the greatest, and my childhood was rife with problems. Those two reasons are more than likely the reasons why I tend to go overboard. But, I also have a big personality. When I love something, I'm 200% into it. There are times I need to throttle back and not kill the things I love. I suppose in a way I'm like Lennie from Steinbeck's "Of Mice & Men". Though I ain't that strong. Or simple minded.


Anonymous Anonymous said...

All personal revelations have huge impacts in our lives as well as those lives around us. Love is not an obsession. Its a way of being if your heart is true. It is unconditional & all encompassing. Obsession wants it (no matter what it is) all to itself & is never willing to let up on the pursuit. Enjoy the gifts God has planted in your life for the reasons He has planted them & not for reasons your mind has planted.

7:18 AM  
Blogger Robert said...

Dear Anonymous...
Yeah, to a degree, I was writing about love. But this is someone who has a lot of things that he obsesses over. Be they telescopes, old computers, books... he has a lot.
When it comes to love, though, I give all that I have. The people who are dearest to me I hold and cherish... and some I love with all my heart. I don't believe that love should be conditional. It is the purest of human emotions, almost mystical in nature. We don't know why we love who we do and when we do. But when that moment happens, it is truly magic. Nothing lifts the human spirit more than pure, unbridled love. It is the one thing that truly separates us from the vast majority of God's creation. It is what makes us human and divine all at once.

9:36 AM  

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