Thursday, April 21, 2005

Old Macs Just Don't Die... Nor Do They Get Tossed

Recently, I've been reading about certain groups and their concerns over our high-tech society. The majority of their concerns dealt with the issue of waste; where does all of this high tech stuff go when it dies?

A quick look around my apartment suggests that it comes to me.

I grew up poor, and as a result, I have a tendancy to use things until they can't be used any longer. When I got into computers, though, this tendancy mutated into rescuing old computers from the trash. At first, this seemed like a good thing to do. Now, I can honestly tell you that is perhaps the furthest thing from the truth.

For me, opening up these old machines and making them run was a challenge. Once the challenge was met, though, my interests in them waned, and they had to go. Usually, they wouldn't. Lately, though, they are starting to trickle out. It's good to see them find homes that aren't mine.

The reason I bring this up has to do with those aforementioned advocacy groups. Lately, they've brought their gripes to my favorite computer company, Apple. One of their members said that if Apple doesn't begin actively recycling their machines, by 2008, there will be over 10 million Macs and Apples in dumps. That's a lot of computers in the garbage. Problem is, I just don't buy it. Most of the Mac/Apple enthusiasts I know just do not throw these machines away. They go out of their way to find alternative methods for disposing of them; by giving them away, trading them, selling them, even just holding on to them in storage. For us, these machines symbolize not just an appliance, but a culture. Trust me, people who tend to name their computers are more than just a little bit attached to them.

Obsessive? Yes, I guess so. Incredibly, I'd have never gotten into the Cult of Mac had it not been for someone tossing out an Apple Lisa. I was strictly a PC guy up to then. Their loss, my gain, and the rest is history.

A landfill loaded with Macs is about as likely as a dump packed with Rolls; just isn't going to happen.


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