Sunday, May 29, 2005

Knowledge & Imagination

Albert Einstein said that "imagination is more important than knowledge." So, how true is that? What amount of truth is there in this statement, from who is considered by many the greatest thinker of the 20th century?
There is a lot.
Wikipedia defines knowledge as "awareness and understanding of facts, truths or information gained in the form of experience or learning." In other words, knowledge is that which is known. It is different from imagination and creativity. Far different, in fact. As an example, a domestic cat is born with an interesting array of skills that might be defined as instinctual. As it learns and acts upon these instincts, it gains knowledge that allows it to refine these skills. That knowledge allows it the ability to use them better.
Knowledge is what is known. Imagination and creativity deal with the unknown. While knowledge is very important, we as humans could not have arrived at this level without imagination, and that is one of our most defining characteristics. It was a combination of our insatiable curiosity and our imagination that allowed us to advance. It still allows us to advance, and should even more in the future as our tools improve.
So, we learned and gained knowledge, then we tried new things, acquired a new set of skills. Imagination, creativity adds to our knowledge. In that way, the two are tied together and support each other. Our current level of knowledge would not have been possible without imagination.
Yet we live in a society that seems to fear imagination. Whenever a paradigm shifts, many of us bristle and growl. We look upon creativity with a certain degree of fear and loathing. In fact, many of us discourage it altogether. It's time to get a grip.
People, this is how humanity functions. If we disallow creativity, if we persist in stifling it, we will stagnate. Imagination, creativity, is growth. Growth means there is life. A growing organism is a healthy, thriving entity, and that is what humanity has been for so long. No growth equals stagnation, and like a pond in which the waters have stilled, nothing flowing in or out, the only outcome is a bad one.
This is not the fate that we or our children deserve. Humanity is about pushing outwards. Let us always continue to grow, to dream. Let our imaginations take us and carry us forward.


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