Friday, March 17, 2006

Consider The Dandelion

You really want to just classify them as weeds. Dandelions. Okay, they aren't the most attractive plants in the world. But when they flower, they wear a bloom that is very pretty, even beautiful in its own way. And they are stubborn. And persistent.
This little plant really makes its appearance known this time of the year. Usually, we're grumbling about them working their way up through cracks in our driveways and sidewalks. If you have a healthy lawn, they can really take off. But they come nonetheless. There are a few fields out there that are literally covered with them. They aren't readily apparent at first, but here in Florida with the coming of March, the fields explode into a sea of yellow flowers. This from a plant that we deride as a weed.
True, we don't want them in our yards. When they aren't in bloom, they aren't attractive. They can do damage in unintentional ways, namely by blocking sunlight from reaching smaller plants. Still, they are wonderful plants. And they are ever so persistent. Especially when they go to seed. That wonderful little globe that we so often picked as children and blew on was aiding this plant's reproductive cycle. We didn't know any better, we just loved instead to watch the little seeds parachute down... or up, to be carried off by the winds to any and everywhere.
We are not unlike the dandelion, really. Perhaps we should be more like them, in fact. Think again about how this little perennial pushes its way through even the smallest crack. There's a moral for you. They do not let the tightest situation keep them from living, from doing what they do best. And we should send our gifts a'flying, like those dandelion seeds, floating upon the winds of chance to grow and thrive.


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