So Little Time, So Much On My Mind
I've been slacking severely lately. My online column "The First Coast Sky @ Night", has not been maintained lately due in no small part to constant pressure on me from other quarters, namely, the need to survive and support my family. I was unemployed for two months during the summer, and we are only now just able to get back up on our feet. This, on the brink of what appears to be an impending meltdown of the financial industry, where I am currently employed.
To say the least, astronomy, the other love of my life, has taken a far back seat to the mundane.
Nonetheless, I am also preparing to return to school with the simple goal of trying to complete my bachelors, and then rush headlong towards my masters. I want... no, make that need to. I cannot afford to let those jobs in the area that I so dearly love slip right through my fingers simply due to a lack of degree. Besides, I need to affirm within myself that I can do this.
But time is short. There have been almost five decades from the time I was born to now, and each day brings decade number six closer.